Thursday, January 31, 2008

Part 2 - How to tell im not interested

My friend Chris advice me to give it straight to his face…but I already gave indication that im not interested way too many times!!! once he ask me what type of guy I go for I ttook the golden opportunity and told total opposite of what he is hehe. lot of times straight to his face I told him that I don’t need his stuff….today he bought me lunch!!!!…the reason he claimed that he have taken my food stuff to his house accidentally!! Im like what the hell. he knows very well that i prepare my own lunch / called healthy living : P he knows that my stuff is always in one corner of the refrigerator, and how come he accidentally take my things? to think about it....maybe he purposely took it!!! why i always end up wiht "guy trouble" i always meet the extremes...either they are complete jerk....tooo psycho....tooo blur to even know that im not interested. the best part few years ago i met a be exact nerdy psycho....he was crazy...real crazy...don’t know whats goign on inside of his head...he stare for no reason and yeah lucky his target the scary part about him is that he will know details about me! and he will pop out of no where...and catch u by surprise, to escape from his was nightmare. anyways i told this blur guy with an angry face i dont want the lunch...u know what he said " i will leave it on ur desk" i was like ahh??? im telling u dont want and u ignoring me. then later what i did was i took the lunch pack and put it on his table and said " i dont want...u just give it to someone else" he goes like " no no u should have it" i just walk away...i walked away while he was explaining to me ...i felt bad ...felt like a complete jerk myself...but i have to do it right to make him really understand. u know what he did he came to my place and said..." just take it la...i belanja u since i have been promoted" i was like "no i dont want"… he went back to his place...i really thought he have given up....but again i was wrong...he came back with the lunch pack and put on my table " just have it" i was soooo pissed i almost wanted to scream at him...but i control coz dont want the others to know what’s going i just show him the gesture of irritated and given im planning to show face to him for the rest of the day. he make me feel so uncomfotable...i cant be enemy with him for one sole reason we work together and i dont wanna make my life miserable. i need his help ...i have to admit. ...not all the time but when i needed it. so im trying to keep good relationship...but he is making things hard for me.and also im gonna stop talking to him. i think i cant be miss nice manners anymore with this guy...he starting to get on my nerves. if plp wanna think that im rude or selfish or arrogant or whatever just @#$% them off. i cant take it anymore. and what am i supposed to do with the lunch and the great news it he bought nasi lemak !!!! oh my god...i neva eaten nasi lemak in ages... to think about it the psycho was much easier to handle hahaha plan for the day, i will prepare my own lunch... if he ask y im not eating his lunch i just gonna say " i dont feel like to" im gonna sounds like a real bitch..…I know what u thinking ratna......ya I know its comes naturally for me......thank u very much for the acknowledgment : D so I guess gotta throw the food la...u see he making me to add sin on top of sins. first i lie, then rude then now throw food. u know how much i try not to throw food, i was trained by my mom...since young she will neva allow us to throw food, she play with our psychology she will show the somalian kids and describe how they suffer w/o food and how we should appreciate it. so it become habit for me not to thorow food. oh gosh...i damn annoyed to come to work becoz of him. the sex maniacs within my department is better coz atleast i can handle them...u cant beat them u just join them - just figure of speech ; ) with them i exactly know what they want and what their intentions are...but this guy...i dont know i cant figure out what is real intentions are...maybe for all u know he just being overly friendly. sometimes i dont know he blur or acting blur god save me pls...if worst come to worst i will straight walk up to the CEO and request him to change me department...put me some where far from this guy. better still i will request myself to be changed to steven gerrard look alike's dept hehe...oh there is one can say boss la ....who looks like steven gerrard...he is young, cute, rich and single. but i got the strong hunch that he is a gay...but who cares...he is kindda an eye candy ; ) if u compare with rest of the whites here.

p/s: chris...if i tell him that im married, he will tell evryone then i cant have a "shot" with steven gerrard look alike hehe....i hope he swings both way LOL

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